One Courageous Step

I came to Kelly’s morning class in January of 2014. ( I think the year is correct.) I had never taken a yoga class before. I had a book and tried to do poses while reading, trying to breathe correctly and look at pictures. It didn’t work well. Though I had wanted to start a practice, I was uneasy about starting classes. I had read an article in the Greenville News about you and Brian and your studio. I guess maybe a New Year’s resolution got me in the door. Kelly made me feel welcome and there were other women my age there. At one point we were in child's pose and Kelly came and pressed her warm hands on my lower back. I was hooked and never looked back.

As I progressed taking class every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, I began to feel so much better. I felt better physically, mentally and spiritually. I had started a practice of Transcendental Meditation in 2012. The yoga practice was a great compliment to the daily meditation. I remember my husband, Jim, commenting that I seemed happier than I had ever been before. I knew he was right. When I first started taking classes you worked mornings at the other studio and I had not seen you. Then word came you would have a morning class on Tuesday and Thursday at the Stone Ave studio. I knew it was going to be a popular, crowded class, but I joined that one as well. I remember telling you after one of your classed that it was better than any drug you could take.

Yoga has become such a strong part of my life. I’m not sure I could be without it for a significant length of time. I get a little panicky if I’m going on vacation and can’t practice. When COViD came along you quickly started Zoom classes, I was there the first Monday morning they were offered. At first it was strange, but let’s face it, everything was strange at that time! I was not a stranger to pulling out my mat and practicing at home. Having you there to teach and encourage us was a gift beyond explanation. Being able to see the faces of yoga friends and even speak to each other was and still is the glue that held me together for the duration of the pandemic.

I have always been so grateful to you for having a studio that creates a community, welcomes everyone and teaches to the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of it’s students. I am grateful every day that I am a part of Greenville Yoga. I made one courageous step in 2014 and you and your teachers have led me on a path that has made me healthier, stronger and more mindful every day.


Finding Balance


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