Type A to B Positive

Meet Terri: In 1975, my first husband and I attended yoga classes as part of Greenville Tec’s community offerings. He was the only male student. I remember having to buy leotards and tights but not a mat. At least, I was able to find dark brown leotards at McAlister Square (instead of the normal black). The poses escape me but I remember moving classroom desks before doing our yoga. After participating in the classes, I declared I needed a more active form of exercise.

Fast forward to the summer of 2012. Since my consulting practice was typically slow in summer months, I decided to invest time at the Life Center and try all their classes to determine what worked best for me. A male friend suggested I do “Stretch and Relax” classes (somewhat akin to Yoga for EveryBody). I would attend the classes and then hop on the elliptical for 45+ minutes. When a woman friend in the class suggested I try yoga, I said I wasn’t sure I could do the poses and I hadn’t like yoga once upon a time.

Yoga found me! After taking yoga (flow but not breath initiated) classes at the Life Center, I was hooked and wanted to explore options of this new found “exercise”. Greenville Yoga was right down the street on Augusta Road. I started with Saturday morning classes with Brian. Among other things, he made me breathe correctly. I loved my Greenville Yoga classes and signed up for Winter Challenge in January 2013. The rest is history.

As with most sensible people, Covid kept me mostly indoors. Zoom yoga classes were truly a Godsend. Instead of 3 or 4 classes a week, I have increased my classes to 5 or 6 including Yin. During the quarantine, I think I only had 3 down days and attribute this to being able to practice yoga and believing that happiness comes from within (as opposed to the outside).


One Courageous Step


Dreams to Life