Finding Balance

Before yoga, I loved caffeine, stress and carbs. I didn’t take care of myself. I developed a condition that caused me to pass out quite frequently. After one too many falls, I developed a head injury. For over a year I was laid out in bed. I could only get up for one hour per day. Without insurance I had to find ways to heal myself. I found yoga videos on You Tube and discovered yoga as a practice for rehabilitation of my balance. After the head injury, I developed severe motion sickness and a knee injury. I had poor visual tracking which would make me sick and unable to stand for too long. The TBI caused deficiency in my sleep, ability to handle stress and in my memory. So for four years, I continued to do yoga at home to heal.

After yoga I found I could regulate my stress better. With that regulation, my anxiety and insomnia were held at bay. I also found I could stand and balance once again. For the first two years I couldn’t hold weight on my left leg and now I can balance on both legs! With the movement and breathing of yoga, I found I can last longer throughout the day, my stamina has returned. I am able to focus and have more energy to do what I want to do. I am an artist and ceramicist. A daily practice of yoga has allowed me to reconnect with my body which allows me to be present with my figurative art. My goal in coming to yoga is to have the ability to stay and create in my studio all day.


From Grief to Release


One Courageous Step