Roots and Shoots

Here we sit, the last few days of our Wintering “Challenge” ~ a time to be still, to create a seed of intention, to watch the seed as it begins to sprout and grow. We offered support of twelve classes over one month’s time to bake that intention into your cells and your being. We read Katherine May’s book Wintering to remind us of the gifts of the cold, quiet, inner practices of winter. We gathered to discuss our intentions and ways to nourish ourselves as we grow. All of these to get you and your intention rooted, ready to emerge. This Sunday, we will gather virtually and in person for a 2-hour Yin practice to honor the transition from Winter to Spring, to give directions for those tender shoots aiming for the sun. You’ve done the work of winter. Your roots are strong and your tender shoots are safe to emerge at the just right time for you. (No rush… we aren’t quite into spring yet!) We are approaching the liminal space, the in between time. Let this weekend’s Yin class carry you through.

To do:

  • Complete your 12 class challenge. (I may have to double down, but I’ll make it happen!)

  • Continue to go outside and notice the natural order of the world.

  • Join us Sunday from 4:30-6:30pm for our closing class. Not a big, loud celebration. Something to honor the shifting of our inner landscape as well as the outer world.

Be well… be easy on yourself… and I will see you Sunday!

With love,



Liminal Space

