
We’ve chosen our seeds. We’ve planted our seeds. We’ve nourished our seeds. We’ve waited allowing our seeds to patiently unfold. Now as little hints around us suggest spring is nearby, we may be eager for these little seeds to sprout. Germination (sprouting of the seed before it emerges from the soil) is a subtle act.

On actual, scientific seeds:

  • There are three specific phases of germination: water imbibition; lag phase; and radicle emergence. I kind of love the names as they go with our path this winter!

  • Water imbibition - For some seeds, taking on too much water too quickly can kill the seed. For others, once water is imbibed the germination process cannot be stopped, and drying then becomes fatal. Alas, other seeds can imbibe and lose water a few times without causing any effects at all! We all have different rhythms to watering our seeds. Hopefully, throughout our wintering, you have been able to find the right rhythm of just enough yoga and meditation to keep you inspired and keep that seed nourished without fatigue our burnout.

  • Lag phase - This is where we sit and wait. Now nature sometimes will help these seeds along. Did you know that when an animal eats a seed, the seed coating protects the seed. When it is eliminated, the seed coat is softer and it can germinate more easily? Sometimes, gardeners will poke holes in seeds to encourage speedier growth. Some seeds are smoked in fires. Others soaked in chemicals. All of these sound much more painful than the act of patiently waiting. It also sounds a lot like life. While we wait, life happens (the fires, the holes, the chemicals) and sometimes that speeds up our growth process without us doing a thing.

  • Radicle emergence - First, can we just pretend this is spelled radical??? Now assuming all of the right conditions have occurred, a tiny green shoot will emerge from the seed. It will still not be visible above the surface. Here is where we are. Hovering in the in between space. Growth happening, but not visible just yet.

“Radical” emergence can happen slowly over days or the shoot can burst through the soil rapidly ready to soak up the sun, light and warmth. Only you know which is right for your seed. These next nine days are our final days of our Wintering. You decide how to walk the line between winter and spring. Can you stay in winter mode, even with the hints of spring? Can you keep one foot on each side? Do you wish to stay quiet and still just a little while longer to host the energy to burst forth soon? Are you like the rebellious daffodils that laugh at winter and poke their heads through the leftover snow? Only you know which is your path these last days of our challenge and last five weeks of winter. Just pay attention. You will know the right step at the right time.

This week’s support:

  • When the sun is shining, head outside. Pause and notice. Look at the earth and the trees. Notice the emergence of new life and the difference in the quality of light around you.

  • Pause and check in with your intention. Is the intention you set still calling to you? Has it shifted slightly? Rewrite your intention if needed. The best way to keep showing up is to have a strong sense of why or what’s of meaning and value to you. Take a moment to remember what that is.

  • With 9 days left, schedule your remaining classes so you can complete your 12 class challenge. Mark them on your calendar and make them happen. You will be so grateful you did.

For this week, hold your seeds lightly dear friends. Make sure they are getting enough water, warmth and light. Keep the faith that all will come in due time so we can emerge radically and radiantly with strong, deep roots ready for the new life of spring.

With a grateful heart,



Roots and Shoots


Now We Wait…