Liminal Space

As we close our winter challenge and the wintering turns to spring, we arrive in a space of liminality. The liminal space is the time “betwixt and between.” In older societies, it was a time after a ritual had occurred and before the person re-emerged into community. How true this is for the entire time of 2020-present! Maybe we’ve all been in the liminal phase of being. Maybe we’ve been suspended here for some time. Maybe the Winter Challenge invited us into the liminal phase of things as we dug a little deeper. Either way, here we are and it’s a bad news / good news kind of thing.

Liminality is a term defined as:

  • an in between period

  • time of disorientation and perhaps new perspectives

  • period of scrutiny for central values

  • our normal limits to thought, self-understanding and behavior are undone

  • it is a state of great intensity and should not last long (hello 2+ years into a pandemic?)

  • has periods of uncertainty, anguish and fear

Here’s the good news! This is a time where we stand at a threshold between “our previous way of structuring identity, time and community and we find a new way.” This is a time of wide open possibility and we don’t have to go back. We don’t have to do anything just because it’s always been this way. Wintering has been our time to discover our seeds (our purpose, hopes and dreams). And when winter turns to spring, we get to sow these seeds to brighten our lives and the community around us. Leaving the liminal phase is your time to shed the old and begin anew (whatever that means to you). This is the message and theme of spring! Grow, shed, awaken, renewal and rebirth. Thank goodness you took the time to winter, to store, to conserve so you have the strength, the power, the will to re-emerge.

Thank you all for showing up for this! Taking a year to honor ourselves, our growth and the natural order of the universe… what better way to be in community. Let’s Grow Together!

With love,


p.s. For those of you who are still enjoying our flow through the year, we have a few spring check-ins to keep you inspired and connected. See our special events page for full details:

  • CommuniTEA 2 with Jill McBurney- Tuesday, March 8 from 2-3pm

  • Let's Have Dinner and toast to “a Good Life” led by Liz Delaney- Saturday, March 19 from 6:30-9:30pm

  • Spring Empowered Intention (30 day virtual spring series lovingkindness meditation, yin and flow) with Liz Delaney- begins Monday, March 21 from 6-7am


Spring Cleaning


Roots and Shoots