Planting Seeds of Intention

How is it a new year is upon us? Could it really be another year has passed? What if in 2022 we decided to do something with a little more meaning for ourselves to differentiate this year? What if we took some time for us individually and collectively to listen in and heal? Our idea for you is a year-long yoga challenge “Let’s Grow Together.” We are calling this a yoga challenge, but that word doesn’t feel right. This isn’t about a brand new you or kicking 2022’s ass… This is about you discerning what is of meaning to you, following the flow and the energy of each season and seeing what unfolds along the way. First up, the quiet / inner work of winter.

Winter Challenge: Planting the Seeds of Intention

  • Intention: setting the tone for 2022, reflection and quiet discernment

  • Dates: January 17 through February 17

  • Challenge: attend 12 classes virtual or in person or a combination of both

  • Kickoff and intention setting January 16th from 3-4pm

  • Includes (optional) 2 communiTEA times to connect in meaningful dialogue with other Greenville Yogis

    • January 30th, time TBA led by Jill Adrien & Samantha Mahoney

    • February 1st, 2-3pm led by Jill McBurney

  • Suggested reading: “Wintering- The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times” by Katherine May

  • Celebration: 2-hour candlelight yin class; students who complete challenge receive special candle to take home to help you rekindle your inner light

Sunday, 1/16 from 3-4pm is our kick off. Meet at the studio for a gathering like no other. We will be asking questions and generating answers to create your intention for 2022. (Greenville Yoga teachers met and did this together in November and it was so powerful we wanted to share it with each of you. In our meeting, we discerned our way forward- to be a place of community with space for quiet and meaningful connection. The challenge is what we dreamed together to share with each of you.).

Sign up by registering for the free kick-off event Sunday, 1/16 from 3-4pm. If you cannot attend the kick-off please register for the virtual feature and it will get you on our challenge email list for more info and to receive your journal to accompany you on your journey in.


Nourishing Your Seeds


A Gift from Us to You