A Gift from Us to You

There would seem to be nothing more obvious, more tangible and palpable than the present moment. And yet it eludes us completely. —Milan Kundera

The holiday season is upon us. There was something so sweet about last year’s simple holidays. Slower, smaller, important gatherings. Very little holiday hustle and bustle. We were able to be still and fully present for the intimate gatherings we chose to attend. As I sit here, my inbox is filling up with Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and all of the emails telling me all of the things to do, to buy and to give this holiday season. It is all inviting me to consume more and to do so as fast as I can.

This year we are doing things a little differently to allow you to slow down, take a breath and be present this holiday season. We are here to help you create an intentional close of 2021 and intentional community as we move into 2022. These pricing options are available in person and online until January 15th:

  • One Year of Yoga $750

  • One Month of Yoga $75

  • 10 Yoga Classes $75

January 15th we kick off our Yoga Challenge 2022: Let’s Grow Together. Purchase a pass for yourself and a loved one so you can take part in our challenge together. Click the link above to read more and join us for something special in 2022.

We hope the beginning of your holiday season has been one of ease and light… Take good care of you and take good care of one another. Stay awake and present for it all!

With love ~ Liz


Planting Seeds of Intention


Magic of Connection