Nourishing Your Seeds

Last week 101 of us gathered to discover what we are ready to release and what we wish to create for our lives and in the year ahead. I heard a few friends saying they weren’t sure where to begin or how to solidify their intentions. Each week we will share one group or person’s seeds to give you a little insight and inspiration. Here is what came out of our teacher gathering November 2021 at Greenville Yoga.

 Over the past year:

  • What have you longed for? 

    • Peace

    • Clear direction

    • Connection

    • Alone time

    • Freedom

    • How to manage it all

    • Communication

    • Belonging 

    • Acknowledgment of the pains of the world at this moment in time

    • Friendship, family, fellowship

    • Sitting as an audience

    • Touch

    • Laughter

    • Compassion and kindness

  • What do we not want to go back to?

    • Busy-ness

    • Rushing

    • Fear

    • Doing too much

    • Saying yes all of the time

    • Not carving out time for me

    • People pleasing

    • Not being present / intentional with our time

    • Superficial interactions

    • 3 o’clock happy hour :) 

    • Feeling discontent

  • What did we invent?  

    • Virtual / hybrid offerings

    • Safety for our community

    • Virtual communities

    • Larger reach

    • New people

    • Yoga in bed

    • Deeper study

    • Gift of time

    • Deeper connections

    • Rain’s Garden

    • Our new yoga home

  • What do we want to invent now? 

    • Community that is inclusive of all

    • Space and quiet

    • Meaningful connections

From our time together, we discovered we want to continue with our intention of belonging. But what came clear as something new is that our teachers felt the need to ensure we hold a safe, quiet space for all who enter AND they wanted to make sure if there is conversation that it is meaningful, deeper, and more heartfelt. Out of this, Let’s Grow Together was born. I revisit the last question each time we look at adding something new. Does it match what we want to create in our world? Is it congruent with our needs now?

If you’d enjoy some community time to discuss your seeds of intention, join Samantha and Jill Adrien on Sunday, January 30th at 12:30pm. Our friend Jennifer of African Violet Teas will be here to offer you her special teas to drink while you discuss. (She is one of our community members with a dream brought to life in 2021. We know you will love her and the seeds she has planted!)

Sometimes the questions don’t provide answers, only more questions. Sometimes the questions and answers just need to sit a little while. When a seed is under the surface of the earth, it doesn’t germinate automatically. It requires the right temperature, moisture, air and light. The same is true for us- only our needs are a little different. We do need air and light. Anything held too tightly or too seriously will certainly not grow. We also need care and friendship. This week as you practice yoga and hold your seeds lightly, let your mind wander over who and what nourishes you? What is the fuel that will allow your seed to begin to sprout just beneath the surface?

If you want some community support to discover what nourishes you and your spirit, join Jill McBurney on Tuesday, February 1st at 2pm. From Jill— From whom/where do we receive nourishment, and how have our needs changed during these challenging years? I’ve discovered that “what” nourishes me is still the same, yet my sense on “how much” I need has gently shifted. Being fully aware when meaningful sustenance is occurring allows me to be openly receptive, and the lingering effects are plentiful and abundant. Let’s explore this together.

This week’s support:

  • Make a list of the people and things that nourish you and give you permission to grow.

  • Attend 2-3 yoga classes this week.

  • If you are having trouble with sleep, I highly recommend in person classes with Caroline and Deb. Class ends later in the evening and sends you off for a blissful nights sleep.

  • Sign up to attend a CommuniTEA gathering next week.

May your week be filled with lightness and ease. May you enjoy some lovely yoga with friends. May you feel held and supported as we grow together.

With love,

Liz & the Greenville Yoga teachers


Now We Wait…


Planting Seeds of Intention