Now We Wait…

About two weeks ago, we starting seeking seeds we wish to plant for ourselves, for our community, for the world. Whatever our seeds are, we then took the time to wonder who and what are the things that nourish us and whisper for us to grow. Once we have the seeds, we’ve planted them in the garden of the heart, we’ve nourished them through connection, yoga, breathwork; now we wait. It’s time to trust the innate order of the universe. All things take time and everything unfolds when the time is right. Time to relax and trust.

This week’s support:

  • Listen to the talk Garden of the Heart by Jack Kornfield. It can be found on Insight Timer or through following the link underlined above. It’s my favorite and I think I’ve listened to it 10 times!

  • Attend 2-3 yoga classes this week.

  • If fitting classes in seems difficult, try any of our one hour classes. Even one hour can give you just the reset you need. (As a bonus, many of these are hybrid meaning you can practice without leaving home or work.):

    • Callie at 4:30pm MWF

    • Amanda and Jill McB 12:30pm M-F 

    • Nikki 6-7pm MW. 

  • If stillness is calling to you to help you find that inner trust and relaxation, Friday and Sunday evening Yin may be just what you need.

This week may you pause and find nourishment in the still, quiet spaces. May you learn to trust the process and allow it to unfold.

With love,

Liz & the Greenville Yoga teachers




Nourishing Your Seeds