Magic of Connection

The last 18 months have very easily been a wild ride for all of us- physically, emotionally, economically, socially. It’s been a time of sorting out what’s important, what’s of value, what can stay and what can be left behind. March of 2021, we found a way to stay connected and keep showing up for one another.  We found solace in our daily zoom classes with coffee chats before and after.  Now even those of us who are as careful as ever are longing for more connection and meaning.  Some of us may have also gotten lost along the way.

Last weekend, we hosted The Gathering (our 16th anniversary party and dedication of Rain’s Garden).  It was such a beautiful day and there was surely magic present.  Our garden is now fully landscaped. We raised $1200 Saturday alone and $11,000 in all!!!  We ran out of food and drinks.  We ate lots of cake! We laughed and even got to hug. (See our social media for photos.) Every time I would look around and see familiar faces, faces I hadn’t seen in real time for 18 months, I would tear up just a little.  The day was profound and healing in so many ways.  But it truly reminded me of the power of community, gathering and connection.


Lately, I have noticed our zoom students hopping on later, leaving earlier, being on meetings up until the moment class begins.  I have heard students share they are feeling down and a little depressed.  What if we have lost some of that connection to our community and to ourselves?  Do you remember what it felt like to leave your home, drive to the studio, laugh with friends and practice yoga together?  Do you remember the sacredness of that one to two hours that you set aside just for you?  I wonder if now that yoga is convenient (just click a button so you don’t waste time driving there) that we have lost some of that magic?  Please don’t get me wrong, I love that we can zoom and see our friends in England, Germany, New Orleans, Washington (DC and state).  I love the ease and safety and comfort we have found in our homes.  Virtual and hybrid classes aren’t going anywhere any time soon.  But I do invite you to remember the gift of showing up for yourself and feeling the energy of the yoga room.

In order to help you remember, you may notice a change of perspective in our hybrid classes.  Beginning next week, you will see a view of the studio so our teachers can teach the way we were trained to teach (by watching each of you and discerning what comes next).  If you live close by, I ask you try and come in person at least once per month to feel that feeling and connect with friends.  Make a date with your yoga friends and show up! I promise you won’t regret it. One student came back to class this past week.  Throughout class tears were streaming lightly and at the end she said, “That was as close to a spiritual experience as I’ve had in two years!”  


I invite you to re-inspire your yoga practice.  Re-commit to yourself.  Make your yoga not just something to check off your to do list, but something more.  Allow your yoga to be your touchstone, your reminder that magic and goodness still exist.  We can show up and be in community in a safe and meaningful way. Welcome (back) to Greenville Yoga.  You belong here.


A Gift from Us to You


This Is Our Time