Want to learn to follow the gentle rhythms of nature? How to rest and sleep without guilt or irritation? How to play when maybe you (like me) aren’t even sure what that means as an adult? Want to live your life more fully and connect with your inner knowing to live in a heartfelt way? Then join me, Liz, for a year-long gathering from the comfort of your home. Together, we can be curious, try new things, and maybe even find some joy!
Each year, we create a theme for our studio that follows the rhythms of nature. One thing I have noticed each year is how difficult it can be to “buck the system” and return to the natural order of things. This year, I am excited to offer a year-long offer dedicated to community healing. Let’s get inspired together and learn how the ripple effects of our tiny actions create powerful healing in the communities that surround us. Join us for the theme of 2024: Rest & Play.
This year, we will divide the year into thirds. In Winter, we rest and dream of what’s to come. In spring and summer, we begin to emerge into play and creativity. And in fall we return to rest again. Enjoy a monthly virtual offering from the comfort of your home, led by Liz.
The course will include themed conversations, book discussions, contemplative practices, journal offerings, and one hour of yoga to match the month's theme.
March themes we will explore:
when to rest
when to play
ways to begin the transition into spring
One Wednesday per month beginning 1/17/24. Class is virtual- join from the comfort of your home!
Remaining Dates: 6/12, 7/17, 8/21, 9/18, 10/16, 11/20, 12/18
Time: 8-9:30pm
Drop in when you can. $15/class.
Sign up now for all 12 sessions. Classes will be recorded and shared if you have to miss a session. Sliding scale starts at $75.