The Hero’s Journey

As we learn and grow together this year, we continue to follow the metamorphosis of the butterfly. We began our year in square one, a space of death and rebirth, grieve and disbelieve, rest and renewal. Then we moved on to square two, the space of dreaming without rules and limitations. As we move into square three, this is about external shifts to bring those dreams into reality.

Think of this time as the Hero's Journey. Heroes are sent on a quest to the underworld to bring back a gift. They are often tested and met with people and things to overcome. Typically it is the hero’s changes that are the important part of the story, not the treasure they had been seeking. In this season, remember your favorite heroes- of fiction or reality.  Those heroes who are most “successful” are typically those who have tried and failed the most. Hence the mantra for this square / season is "This is harder than I thought. And that’s okay!"

One of the gifts of a quest or journey is that we are invited to overcome our resistance, habits and beliefs to develop self-trust.  We then take this self-trust, we are then able to leap and ride the waves to places that nurture us and keep us growing.

Square three and square one go hand in hand as we have to unentangle old beliefs to reimagine a new way. Unlike square one which can hang around a while; in square three, change happens much faster (even within an hour).  We can notice something we need to release, we can do the work around it, grieve and move forward quite quickly in this stage.  Think of it this way… You dream and decide you want to open your own business. As you start the process, you hear your parent’s voice say, “How are you going to make any money?” or you hear your own voice saying, “Who are you to think you can do this?” Or, “What if I fail?” When you hear those questions, those voices (real or in your head) they can send you right back to the cocoon of grief. They can make you feel small so you return to the couch and pull the covers over your head.

The beauty of this stage in the game is that the dream has become so big you can’t ignore it. So you may decided to ignore the voices in your head. Or you can decide to learn from them, make friends with them, and then try that flying thing once again.

There are several ways you can play with these thoughts in this stage of the game.  The main idea is have fun while you do it. Below are my three favorite tools to do "thought work" to unentangle the stuck places to we can unfurl our wings and fly!

Name Your Inner Lizard and (her) Top Ten Tunes

One of deepest layers of brain is neural structure that first developed in early vertebrates- reptiles.  Scientists call this your reptilian brain.  Wrapped around brain stem.  Entire purpose is to continuously broadcast survival fears- alarm reactions to keep you alive in this world.  Gain power over these fears by learning their names.  Bringing them to the light.  Playing with them and investigating from all angles.  

Inner Lizard Top 10 Tunes examples:

I don’t have enough ______________

If I don’t watch out, someone will ________________

People want to take my _________________

I can’t be perfectly happy until I get ________________

Everybody pressures me to ____________________

You just can’t trust ______________________

People will hurt me unless _______________________

If only I had _______________________

Someone’s always out to _____________________

I must hang on to ______________________

Now looking at your Lizard List, name your Inner Lizard.  Draw a picture of it / him / her.  Next time you hear those voices of lack and attack, make friends with your inner lizard and have some different conversations.

ACT Tool

What is the painful thought? (Say aloud and truly believe it) 

Where do you feel it in your body? (Notice)
 Preface the thought with “I am having the thought that...” (Repeat) 

Preface the thought with “I notice I am having the thought that...” (Repeat)

What do you notice? What happens for you? 

Are there any other thoughts related to this story?
If you could name this collection of thoughts, what would you name it? 

Next time you notice these thoughts, remember this is just a collection of thoughts. Say the name you gave it- in a funny voice, sing it, picture it floating away. Whatever works for you!

The Work of Byron Katie
This is my favorite, life changing tool.  There is so much to this that I will let you explore on your own.  I have a few copies of her book if you are interested and here is a link to "The Work." From what I understand there is also an app that can walk you through any stuck places that are keeping you from flying free!

As you move into your quest or journey, ride the waves when you see the following and keep going: 

  • Distraction from action

  • Limiting beliefs

  • Wanting to stay “safe”

  • Looking outward: people pleasing, polling friend, asking advice from “everybody”

I hope you are learning about yourselves as we move through the year... resting, grieving, dreaming, moving into action and noticing it may be harder than you think. Keep going!  May you continue to ride the waves of change without fear or resistance and may this launch you to a place of inner freedom.

With love,


My Waves of Change


Time to Dream!