Free Yoga

Reason #4 to attend the Gathering (our celebration of community)… Win some FREE yoga! Every year it is our tradition to raffle off one year of yoga in honor of our anniversary. This year, our sweet 16, we have made it so you have more opportunities to win! This year’s drawing will be for several prizes:

  • An in-person workshop pass ( $24 value)

  • Rain’s Garden t-shirt ($35 value)

  • Pass to attend a 4-week workshop for Deep Rest with Jill McB ($60 value)

  • Pass for our signature course Living the Five Virtues with Liz or 3-months of yoga ($250 value)

  • One Year Unlimited Pass for yoga! ($1400 value)

Before the party, purchase your tickets in person with $1 per ticket to win. All money goes directly to Rain’s Garden and you can pay via cash or Venmo. If you attend the party, you receive one entry FREE of charge! You get a chance to win just by showing up. Drawing will be at 4pm along with a dedication to Rain’s Garden. You do not have to be present to win, but we really hope you will be as it is way more fun to hear lots of excitement from our winners.

What better way to find a little exuberance in your week with a fellowship of friends… come celebrate with us and in turn we just may get to celebrate you!

This is the way we will look when we celebrate you… of course we will be six feet apart and possibly masked…

This is the way we will look when we celebrate you… of course we will be six feet apart and possibly masked…


This Is Our Time


Free Cake!