Everyone Needs This

I am probably one of your older students being 59. I have always been pretty fit and enjoy most forms of exercise except running. I am flat footed. This condition and 30 years of serious hiking had taken its toll on my feet so in my late forties I had surgery to repair the joint between the big toe and foot. This surgery was performed on both feet. So how did yoga help out?

One major thing is awareness. I have practiced martial arts for over a decade but in yoga you become aware of you body. You learn what it is doing and when it is not happy. Honestly I think if I had practiced yoga when I was younger I would have sought treatment for my feet years earlier and not needed surgery.

Another thing is flexibility. My feet now feel better than they have in years. The surgeon told me my feet were good for five to eight years. I think yoga has helped me beat this prediction.

My physician has told me that as you get older flexibility and strength then to diminish. I can tell you that my balance, flexibility and strength are better than they were before I started yoga. Yoga is the center piece of my exercise program.

Mental health is another big benefit from yoga. I have a high stress job. There are lots of urgent tasks, difficult technologies and people. That yoga class enables me to ‘clock out’ for an hour; this is very important. Also, the breathing practice allows me to be less stressed at work. It is a tool that can be applied anywhere.

Lastly we have the spiritual. Honestly this is something I have struggled with my entire life. I have never been pleased with my spirituality. I have tried a number of religions without effect. I can tell you that as I have aged the spiritual has taken on a lot more significance. The teachers at your school have helped mightily with this. I am now thinking that I have the insights to move forward on my spiritual path.

I appreciate this quiet place to practice yoga and the non-judgmental style of classes resonates well with me. I can’t believe this is not more popular. Everyone needs to be doing this.

May 2012


There Has to Be Something More…