New Year, New me? Is this true to my nature?
There is always a call to be more, do more, become more…and all at the strike of Midnight on New Years Eve! Society has pressed us to rewire ourselves overnight to make ourselves more meaningful, more worthy of stepping into a new timeline. No! The world will tell you you were born out of mechanics instead of magic, that you are a machine and not a miracle. You need time, just as any other thing that animates in this world. A flower does not become a flower overnight. You deserve that kind of time because it is in your nature.
Setting intentions for yourself is something that takes time, space to wonder, dreams to inspire. Together we will explore wintering into dreamscapes to bring ourselves to root, & allow the natural cycles of nature to guide us just as our ancestors. Winter is the season of dreaming.
Enjoy soft winter yin postures with music. A tea meditation circle with tea from The African Violet. Offerings of intention setting activities, journaling & conversations around the flowering wisdom & clarity that blossoms out of a rested state. Here we enter the deep relaxation practice of Yoga Nidra to complete our time together with a Crystal Bowl Sound Bath.
Sliding Scale Cost from $45-60