Let’s Grow Together: Fall Inspired Intention

This is going to be a good one! It’s that time to return to our challenge theme of 2022- Let’s Grow Together.  In winter, we got quiet and still to listen to the call of the heart.  In spring, we got up at 6am to prepare for the push of new growth into summer.  In summer, we took a sacred pause to rest and lean in to what is.  Now we turn to fall, the time to let go.  This will be a different kind of “challenge.”

 In a verse translated loosely from the Bhagavad Gita:

You have the right to work, but not the fruits of your action. Desire for the fruits of work must never be your motive in working. Never give way to inaction, either.

Perform every action with your heart fixed on {something larger than yourself}. Renounce attachment to the fruits [of your action]. Be even-tempered in success and failure: for it is this evenness of temper which is meant by yoga.

This challenge will not be about bodily yoga at all.  Continue your weekly practices as usual.  Instead of challenging yourself physically, we will challenge ourselves to open our minds and hearts. Each month we will offer inspiration similar to the winter challenge, this time focused on community connections and closing our year in the spirit of healing.

September, October, November and December you will receive bi-weekly inspiration. Some weeks it will be to your inbox, others a special class. In your inbox you may receive a selected podcast, newsletter or writing prompt.  Each month there will be a special 120-minute class monthly that will include communal time- yoga or some form of movement and meditation, small group discussion, and communal connection time. (Thank you to Sonci for the inspiration.  The New Moon Circles showed me what we need more of and gave me the idea.) December will conclude with a group event that includes a dessert potluck and bonfire to burn whatever is needed to officially let go.

 Monthly themes (more detailed descriptions under each event on our events page):

  • September kick-off- Notice how far you’ve come in a session with Jill McBurney titled, “Look How Far You’ve Come” on Saturday, 9/17 from 2-4pm

  • October- Move through the loss to re-discover light and ease. A very special offering led by Amanda Barbarito titled, “Honoring the Losses” on Saturday, 10/15 from 2-4pm

  • November- Celebrate successes in a session with Kristen Albert titled, “Pause to Celebrate” on Saturday, 11/12 from 2-4pm

  • December closing - Releasing the year and the fruits of our actions in a session with Liz Delaney titled, “The Beauty of Letting Go” on Sunday, 12/4 from 6:30-8:30pm

Inspiring emails are free. Payment is only requested for in person workshop events. Suggested donations are given for each event. Those who can pay more, please do so to support those who need healing but maybe cannot afford it at this time.

To join us in this “challenge” and to receive inspiration to your inbox, please register by signing up for the event 9/17. If you plan to come to the event, sign up for in person. If you just wish to receive emails, sign up for virtual attendance. There will not be a virtual component of this class, but it will get you on the Fall Challenge email list.

It has been amazing to watch our community grow together this year. Thank you to everyone for showing up, bringing your collective energy and creating this very special OmHome.

In gratitude,



Look How Far You’ve Come


What Will Carry You Through?