It’s Story Time
Once upon a time, there was a 20-something young girl who lived in Los Angeles. She taught fourth grade and was happy. Then she met a man who introduced her to Max Strom and it changed her life. She began taking yoga five times a week (sometimes sitting in her car 2 hours to get to class) and was then invited to attend his teacher training. When this young woman decided to leave LA to get married, Max said to her, “One day you will have a great yoga school.” This young woman laughed and said, “I love teaching. I don’t think so…” 25 years later and here we are!
This is one small portion of my story, but it is the one that brought me directly here to each of you. There have been many other moments and people that have changed my trajectory one degree at a time- all leading to this precious now. Over the last 17 years, I have discovered that I love collecting stories… yours, mine, the collective. I began writing after a retreat with the head of the Sufi order and Max Strom right after Claire was born. Something awakened in me and I needed a way to process what happened so I began writing. I have never claimed to be a writer… I just enjoy the quiet space it gives me. But this year, something has shifted. I found that I craved writing time. And funny, when I arise after my writing time; my health apps ask if I took a nap. Writing, to me, is a deep meditation and when I come out of the still space I am somewhere new.
This past Fall I was lucky enough to go to Canada with three amazing women (my Quest Queens) to a conference with Martha Beck (my coaching teacher) and Liz Gilbert (author of Eat, Pray, Love, Big Magic and others). On the plane a woman asked why I was traveling and she asked if I was a writer. Very clearly (as clearly as I replied to Max) I said, “No. I teach yoga and run a small yoga school.” And here I am again wondering if that answer isn’t exactly true. That conference in Canada was one of those trajectory moments. Another was last Monday at Trader Joe’s. Holding hands crying by the bread aisle, a beloved student, as she walked away shared she thought I had a gift with words. Her words cracked my heart open a little more to claim this title of writer. This precious moment had already been impactful, but her parting words were a gift. After our exchange, I began an official writing blog about the mundane and the extraordinary (Embracing Oneness in the Chaos: Messy Moments & Mindful Practices) and even signed up for a writer’s container in January.
It’s funny how your life can sneak up on you and you become something you never thought you would be… a yoga teacher, a yoga studio owner, a mom of young adults, a life coach (Max told me this one years ago too- I scoffed), and a writer! I wonder what paths, twists and turns have brought you to this moment. I imagine your story is quite the tale and I can’t wait to hear them all.
Xoxo ~ Liz
In honor of and with my love for story, we have a special gathering this December. It’s our second (re)Connection Event titled “Bonfire & Books.” No, we won’t be burning books; but rather sharing our favorite stories or spending time with our favorite stories. We will have a bonfire in the backyard for s’mores and storytelling (not really, just a time to get to know one another). Inside, the heated floors will be on and you can cozy up with a blanket and a book. We will also have a table out back for a book swap- you never know when you will find the story that inspires you! On Sunday, 12/22 bring:
your favorite mug - coffee & tea provided
your coziest blanket (if you like)
a book for our book swap table
a dessert or sweet treat - s’mores items will be provided
Over the last 20 years, I have had to honor of hearing each of your stories. You are all some magical people! It is with a grateful heart that I invite you to (re)connect and enjoy the power of community in our beautiful space.