Join Liz for an in-depth training Mindfulness and Yin Yoga. This will include basics of Taoist Yoga and the Five Element Theory, the energy body, a deeper look into poses and sequencing in the Yin tradition. We will be looking at yin from the perspective of body, heart, mind, spirit and energetics. All of Liz’s Yin teachings come from almost a decade of study with Sarah and Ty Powers (founders of Insight Yoga), as well as over a decade of personal meditation and Yin practice and teaching.
This course of study will allow you to confidently lead yin classes and know the how and why of the sequences or lenses to focus on when you are teaching this grounding practice. Perfect for those wanting a refresh for teaching, or those wanting to delve deeper into their personal practice of inner work. There will be plenty of time for community and meaningful conversations as we will explore the art of contemplative practice and mindful dialogue as well.
Five weekends and a total of 50 hours of continued education. Dates begin Fall 2025. Space limited to 20. You do not have to be a yoga teacher to attend. (When approved by Yoga Alliance, hours will count toward our 500-hour YTT.)
Time: Saturday & Sunday, 1-6pm
Cost: $650